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Frequently asked

Commonly asked questions regarding accessing content

Yes, it is free to register. If you already have a Nelson Labs Portal Account or a Sterigenics GPS® Global Processing Status Customer Portal, you can use those credentials as our Common User Identification to register for an Academy Account.

Yes, you can track the courses you have completed by visiting your profile. You can visit your profile by clicking on your username. Your profile will display a list of all the courses you have taken.

Our experts are always available to assist you. You can fill out the form under each of the courses to get in touch with an expert and start your project today!

We aim to provide a seamless learning journey

If at any time you need assistance
we are here to help.

The Sotera Health Academy offers an extensive library of educational content presented by industry professionals.

Through our dynamic search tools, you can browse through hundreds of on-demand webinars, whitepapers, and eBooks at any time and on any device.

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